Preferred Customer Savings

Village View 9-17-13 Preferred Customer copy 2

HAYS Cleaning just launched a new Preferred Customer Savings Program!

From now through September 30, 2014, customers will receive every 5th cleaning at the reduced hourly rate of $25.00 per hour! (Seniors, who normally receive a $25.00 per hour rate, will received Preferred Customer Savings of $20.00 per hour at every 5th cleaning.)

Here’s the fineprint:

  1. Mention that you would like to be part of the Preferred Customer Savings Program the next time you schedule a cleaning.
  2. Collect Preferred Customer Service Coupons from 4 Regular priced cleanings. Redeem at your 5th cleaning.
  3. Cleanings must be for similar amount of service hours. Example: Four 5-hour cleanings at the Regular rate of $30.00 per hour ($25.00 for Seniors) will earn you one 5-hour cleaning at the Preferred Customer Savings price of $25.00 per hour ($20.00 for Seniors).
  4. Customers may earn multiple reduced rate cleanings through September 30, 2014.
  5. May not be combined with other discounts or offers.
  6. Pass this offer on to your family and friends!

You Liked, You Shared, You Commented, You Earned!


HAYS Cleaning would like to thank the many friends and fans who Liked, Shared and Commented on our status updates for our July 18 – August 6 promotion.

The following friends and fans have earned Amazon Gift Cards: Maureen Kaech, Nichole Selock, Donna Wollenzien & Terri Zarinck.

We will be sending each winner a private message to verify where you want your card delivered!

Thanks to everyone who participated and look for another promotion in September!

Like Us – Follow Us – Get Free Stuff!

Like Us - Follow Us - Get FREE STUFF

From now through August 6, 2013, Facebook Fans who “Like” AND “Share” or “Like” AND “Comment” on 10 different status updates/posts on our Facebook page will receive a $10 gift card from HAYS Cleaning to use on!

Promotion Guidelines

  1. Visit our Facebook page at; “Like” us!
  2. Choose a current status update/post, dated from July 16, 2013 and newer.
  3. “Like” AND “Share” the status/update post OR
  4. “Like AND “Comment” on the post.
  5. Repeat with 9 other unique status updates/posts.
  6. One gift card to be presented with each 10 unique status updates/posts shared.
  7. After August 6, 2013, HAYS Cleaning will contact the Fans who have participated for shipping information. Cards will be either emailed or snail mailed (Fan preference).

Independence Day for Kittens

Caroline, relaxing on our 34% off Independence Day offer.

Caroline, relaxing on our 34% off Independence Day offer.

Our website, blog posts, graphics and ads are created by our office manager, Karen Hoogland. Sometimes she gets a little help from her pets. Yesterday, Caroline (a foster kitten) was trying to be helpful by stealing pens, paper and anything else she could get her little feline paws on. She finally decided to rest on the proof of our “Celebrate Freedom This Independence Day” offer.

If you haven’t taken advantage of that offer, click here to take advantage of it! We’re giving 34% off of a 6-hour housecleaning – that’s a savings of over $60!

Celebrate Freedom, Celebrate Our 34th Birthday!

Independence Day 13HAYS Cleaning feels privileged to have the FREEDOM to serve the community with our Family Owned and Operated business for the past 34 years. On this 237th Independence Day, we also continue to celebrate our 34th Birthday by passing on the savings to our customers.

Thank you for your loyalty and have a blessed and safe 4th of July!

~Art and Mary James
Owners, HAYS Cleaning, Inc.

Buy Now!Click here to purchase. You must purchase online by July 5, 2013 and use your hours by November 30, 2013.

Serving Those Who Served Us

Heroes-Header-6-23-13-no-HAYS-verticalThe Helping Our Heroes program now has a new tagline: Serving Those Who Served Us. The Heroes program provides complimentary cleanings for Veterans in honor of Veterans Day and Memorial Day.

This past spring, we asked HAYS Cleaning fans, friends and family to help us choose a new tagline for the program by submitting suggestions. Six of the submissions were entered into a poll and the First, Second and Third Place winners were awarded prizes. Mary James, President of HAYS Cleaning, along with some of the Team Members, presented the prizes to the top three vote-earning taglines.

Read more on the Heroes website.

In Honor of Flag Day…

Village View Flag Day 6-4-13In appreciation for our Heroes and in honor of Flag Day on June 14, 2013, HAYS Cleaning is extending the  Memorial Day promotion of a 3-hour complimentary housecleaning for local Veterans, active Military and their spouses and parents.

The current promotion, in honor of Memorial Day, runs through June 30, 2013. Simply call 708-598-3819 or email to schedule the cleaning.

Through a partnership with the St. Patricia Holy Name Society, in Hickory Hills, Illinois, the company is also collecting care pack items to ship to the troops overseas.

Download the information packet here for details on the cleaning and the collection of care pack items. 

Memorial Day Promotion: Serving Those Who Serve Us

Memorial Day: FREE 3-hour housecleaning for Veterans

Memorial Day: FREE 3-hour housecleaning for Veterans

Since 2010, HAYS Cleaning, Inc. has provided 3-hour complimentary housecleanings for local Veterans, active Military and their spouses and parents. The service is offered for Memorial Day and Veterans Day.

The current promotion, in honor of Memorial Day, runs through June 15, 2013. Simply call 708-598-3819 or email to schedule the cleaning.

Through a partnership with the St. Patricia Holy Name Society, in Hickory Hills, Illinois, the company is also collecting care pack items to ship to the troops overseas.

Download the information packet here for details on the cleaning and the collection of care pack items.