Karen Hoogland
Karen Hoogland is the Marketing & Website Manager for HAYS Cleaning.
How did you find out about HAYS Cleaning?
I found an ad for HAYS Cleaning through a local college job resource board. I was interested in bringing in another client or two for my freelance business and I responded to their ad for a webmaster.
How long have you been working with HAYS Cleaning?
I started working for the company in January 2009. I started out working on the company website and other marketing materials. Quite quickly, I was offered the opportunity to write contracts for the company as well as take over bookkeeping duties.
What is the best part about working with HAYS Cleaning?
The people. Mary and Art James, company owners, are a warm, friendly and honest couple. I liked them from the very first time we met. They are both hardworkers who appreciate others with a similar work ethic. Their team of workers are professional and genuine.
What has been your best experience while working with HAYS Cleaning?
The owners appreciate and recognize not only my talents, but also those of everyone who chooses to work for them. I also like that the owners are not only willing to share their knowledge but are also very willing to learn new things, too (such as computer skills).
When I first started doing projects for HAYS Cleaning, Mary and Art were not all that computer savvy. Mary used email and went online, but that was about it. Art, well, he still had a flip-phone that was about 8 years old. Through some convincing and cajoling, I’ve managed to bring both Mary and Art into the 21st Century; they both take advantage of many technological resources, including Facebook, Android devices, DropBox and Google applications.
Can you share any humorous stories about working with HAYS Cleaning?
There was one time when I was making some updates to the computer over in the HAYS Cleaning office. I did not realize that one of Mary and Art’s cats, Josie-Girl, just has to be in the office whenever anyone is working. Not all that unusual until I realized that she just has to sit on top of any papers I happen to be working with – even if they were on my lap!